
Game-News: Xbox One zu schwach für Crackdown

Laut den Entwicklern des für 2015 geplanten Actionspiels Crackdown ist die Grafik-Leistung der Xbox One zu schwach, um ohne Performance-Auslagerung in die Cloud auszukommen. In einem Forum sprachen Entwickler neben den Gameplay-Features unter anderem über Cloud-Computing, was einige User im Forum angesichts des Online-Zwangs nicht sehr glücklich stimmte.

Die Aussage der Entwickler im Wortlaut:

„On another note, the latest installment is known to be heavily supported with the cloud(TM). Yayaya … That stupid cloud talk again 😉 I know you can not hear it anymore. What I want to say though is: your local gaming mashine does not have enough calculation power to run our game engine. I think we always communicated it that way and there is no reason not to be honest here. If you want to deliver something that has never been done before in that kind of scale, then you can not make compromises. We totally know that there are huge risks involved. But this is the route we will take. We are super confident here and can’t wait to get out of the dark.“


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