
Anwälte verbieten Reilly Brown Deadpool in seinem Film-Kostüm zu zeichnen

Reilly Brown, der vielen als Marvel Comic-Zeichner dutzender Deadpool– und Spider-Man Comics ein Begriff sein durfte, musste laut eigenen Angaben ein Comic noch einmal komplett überarbeiten, da er in einigen Szenen das aus den Filmen bekannte Deadpool-Kostüme verwendet hatte.

Der Unterschied zu dem klassischen Deadpool-Kostüm äußert sich nur durch einpaar Riemen. Hinzu kommt, dass der Comic im klassisch abgedrehten Humor des Antihelden einige Szenen enthält, in denen Deadpool sich selbst in einem Deadpool-Film spielt und Reilly das Kostüm deswegen in besagten Szenen anders gezeichnet hatte.

Wie der Artist via Instagram berichtet, hatte er mit ähnlichen rechtlichen Problemen zu kämpfen, als er für eine Werbung Spider-Man zeichnen wollte.

Someone asked if I’d ever drawn Deadpool in his movie costume, and I actually did once, for an issue of Spideypool. In this story, Wade got a part in a Deadpool movie playing as the stunt double. For the scenes on set, I thought it would be fun if he wore the actual movie costume, so that’s what I drew. I didn’t think anyone would notice or care, since the difference is just a couple of straps and some knee pads. But they did notice, and made me change it back to his typical character design, because the lawyers wouldn’t allow them to use the movie costume for some reason! So weird. So I had to redraw that Deadpool in all those scenes. I ran into a similar lawyer-induced problem with Marvel a few months ago when they asked me to do an ad for some smart phone drawing software. I was going to draw Deadpool, but it turned out they weren’t allowed to use him for the ad, so we figured Spidey would be safe, and I did a drawing of him. Turned out, they weren’t allowed to use Spidey either! So I had to do it again. This time I used Iron Man, and there was a long conversation and lots of phone calls before we figured out which Iron Man costumes would be safe for me to draw! The moral of the story: study your licensing deals! #dailydeadpool #spideypool #deadpool #costumes #freelancelife #reillybrown

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